Can I use the camera and character controller scripts separately?
Yes, indeed! Just make sure that you set up the individual component according to the provided manual.
Yes, indeed! Just make sure that you set up the individual component according to the provided manual.
Yes, of course! This asset uses Unity’s new Input System – just rebind the RPGInputActions to your needs. If you want stick with the old Input Manager, this is supported as well (do not forget to uncheck “Use New Input System” on my scripts).
Each moving object you want your character to walk on needs a kinematic rigidbody component attached.
It is very likely that mentioned objects have no transparent/fade shader assigned to their material and/or a layer which is not one of the “Occluding Layers” set in the RPGViewFrustum.
The reason could be a wrong setup. Please set up everything according to the manual. Use the demo scene to verify that everything is set up correctly.